For Non-profit Organizations, where ever dollar counts, harnessing the full potential value of the Organization's Brand should be an essential component of both Marketing and Revenue Generation Strategies because Branded Merchandise generates revenue AND spreads awareness.
There are a plethora of options when it comes to creating and selling branded merchandise in today's world, so, why choose POD-R?
• No Costs/No Risks - Design, Set-up, Web Hosting, etc. - All FREE.
• Curated Product Offerings from Multiple Manufacturers in one place.
• 80-90% of the proceeds go directly to the Organization.
• POD-R Design Philosophy - Value comes from Use, and Use comes from Relevant Products with Compelling Design.
If you've tried Fundraising through Merch in the past, but didn't get the results you had hoped for, the problem might have been your approach. Letting POD-R try our unique approach could garner better results, and, if not, you've lost nothing.
Get your POD-R Shop started today! Request a Product Catalog